Visitor Facilities

Fowey welcomes visiting boats and there are a range of facilities available to make sure of an enjoyable stay.

Some information on the essential facilities is listed below but please use our aerial tour to explore what’s available or contact our team afloat or in the Harbour Office for further information.

Harbour Office / Patrol

Tel: +44 (0)1726 832471
VHF Ch. 12
The Harbour Office is located on Albert Quay, Fowey

Opening hours:

Summer – Weekdays 09:00 to 17:00, Saturday 09:00 to 13:00.

Winter – Weekdays 09:00 to 16:00

IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY outside working hours, the Harbour Office telephone diverts to the duty officer.

Harbour Patrol are on duty from 0800 until dark in the summer period and during working hours outside of the peak season.

Visitor Moorings

Visitor swinging moorings are blue in colour and are located along the eastern side of the lower harbour.

Pontoon berths are available on 2 visitor pontoons in the mouth of Pont Pill, 3 visitor pontoons Underhills and a further pontoon facility is available upstream of the car ferry at Grid Irons (outside of the pontoon only).

Visitor berths are available on the south side of the shore linked Penmarlam pontoon at Mixtow where there is access to toilets, showers and a cafe.

There are 3 visitor moorings available at Wisemans Reach which are also blue in colour.  Overnight berthing is permitted on the shore linked Berrills Yard pontoon (near the lifeboat) from 1800 to 0800 daily at the advertised nightly rate.

Albert Quay, Berrill’s Yard and Polruan pontoons are available for a short stay period of 1 hour on the outside.

If you require advice or assistance on moorings contact the Harbour Patrol on VHF Channel 12 on entry to the harbour.

Visitor moorings are not pre-booked unless for rallies and events, although we appreciate prenotification of vessels over 20m in length.

Speed Limit 6 Knots

The speed limit within the harbour is 6 knots and wash should be kept to a minimum.

Weather Forecasts

A weather display is available outside the Harbour Office.

The Polruan NCI website displays live weather conditions at their lookout at the top of Polruan.

Long range forecasts are available on request from the Harbour Office.

Lifejacket Lockers

Lifejacket lockers are available at Albert Quay and Berrill’s Yard. £1 coin required for operation (returned).


Available at Albert Quay, Berrills Yard and Penmarlam shore-linked pontoons.

No boat washdown please.

Shore Power

Available at Berrills Yard and Penmarlam shore-linked pontoons, charges apply


Available at the Royal Fowey Yacht Club and Fowey Gallants Sailing Club in Fowey and at Penmarlam Boat Park.

Coins required for operation.


Diesel and Petrol are available at the fuel pontoon just upstream of the Bodinnick car ferry, this is a pay-at-pump facility, available 24/7 and at all states of the tide.

Please take precautions when fuelling to prevent pollution of the harbour.

Refuse & Recycling

Facilities for general waste and recyclables are available on most visitor pontoons with a central collection point on a pontoon in the entrance to Pont Pill. These facilities should be used in preference to landing waste ashore.

Sewage Pump Out

A pump out facility is available at Berrill’s Yard pontoon. £1 coin required for operation.

Water Taxi

An independent operator provides a service available during the summer period. Contact Fowey Water Taxi on VHF Ch. 6 or telephone 07774 906730


Call 999 in an Emergency

If you need a defibrillator, the 999 Emergency Operator will be able to tell you the closet unit to your location.

Leisure Charges

View our charges for visiting craft and harbour dues

If you’re a regular visitor to Fowey Harbour, why not take advantage of our loyalty card scheme where every 7th night is free!

Our Harbour Patrol team are able to take card payments afloat

Fowey is a popular destination for cruiser and motor-cruiser rallies and yacht races and we welcome the opportunity to host your event.

Please contact the Harbour Office for more information.